May 5, 2008


Wow! It has been a really long time since I have even checked this site. I have been so caught up in school and other activities that I really don't have time for a lot of things anymore. I was just thinking that it might be a good idea to update everybody on what is going on here with me and to find out if things are going well for you. I was just wondering how Sabra is getting along. Is she getting any better? I just wanted to let all of you know that the flu seems to be going around once again. Surprise, surprise, but I was not the first one to get it this time. I think that everybody in my family has already had it.

I'm doing well in school and have been having a lot of fun. We had our prom and it was so much fun. I went out to eat with one of my friends and didn't get sick. Well, until I got the flu from my dad, that is.

I hope that everybody else is doing well and that you are getting your problems answered. I pray for each of you and keep you in mind.


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